Discount Codes & Vouchers
Explore our list of official Alternix discount codes and voucher coupons. For even bigger savings when shopping online, find exclusive nicotine pouch discount codes to redeem against buying nicotine pouches or heated tobacco products such as IQOS and Ploom. Have a look through our list of coupons to see which offers are on at the moment for the UK and globally. You'll find offers for first time orders, student and public service discounts as well as limited time discount codes to use on our leading online nicotine alternatives shop.
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Most promotions are applied automatically at checkout.
If you have a discount code or promotional code it must be entered in the box 'Discount Code' at the checkout. Once complete click the REDEEM button and the discount will then be applied.
Unfortunately not. You can only apply one discount code at checkout.
If you experience any problems redeeming a coupon, the code may have been entered incorrectly or your order may not meet the offer’s criteria. Please check and try again, before getting in touch with our support team.
If you have forgotten to apply your code, unfortunately we cannot add it once the order has been placed.
Keep a record of your discount code, and it can be applied to a future order.